>Evan Longoria Needs To Get A Haircut


From what I can remember, Rays 3B Evan Longoria started growing his mullet at the end of last season (?).  At least I think that’s when it started.  As you can see, it looks like he is still currently rocking the mullet. 
Okay, I get the novelty of the mullet.  I get why dudes grow mullets.  Most of the time, it’s pretty funny actually.  But only for so long.
We are all aware of when Jared Allen rocked his mullet.  But before he was to get married, he cut it off.  I’ve had two of my good friends grow mullets.  But after about a month and a half, they both cut it off.  See, with something like a mullet, or a crazy beard, or even a badass mustache, the novelty wears off eventually.  Sometimes you need to get rid of it so the coolness of it stays fresh. 
Evan Longoria, it’s officially been too long man.

Couple more photos after the jump…

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